Thursday 5 February 2009

Have you always wanted to be in an exclusive club, but never known of any?
Do you wish to create and be at the forefront of a global fashion trend?
Have a chance at modeling online?
Ladies! Conclude your pleasantries in the parlour because
Become a free member of the Confederate Bikini Society!
We seek ladies of style, elegance and presence over 16 years of age to wear a Confederate Bikini, have a picture taken in it and to have it placed on our website.
Nothing more to it.
We are trying to create a global movement and fashion trend here, so don’t ask for any highly complex reasons or explanations.
There is none!
There is no political, religious or financial background to this undertaking.
This is just for fun!!
Join us for the laugh, you’re doing nothing else if you’re reading this!

The Confederate Bikini Society was inspired by the Kid Rock Video “All summer long” and the realisation that there’s not that many Confederate Bikinis around nowadays…actually dying out.
How many have you seen lately?!?

Obviously needs to be preserved for future generations, the least we can do for them!
We don’t seem to be able to change world politics, climate change or social problems, so at least be part of the solution on the Confederate Bikini Crisis!
We aim to create the world’s largest collection of Confederate Bikini Babe pics ever!
Help us!
Get out that old Confed Bikini or pick one up cheaply online.

Some background info and what The Urban dictionary notes on the Confed Bikini:

An extremely provocative swim suit, both because of its brevity and its political subtext, based on the pattern of the Confederate Battle Flag. For example, depending on the wearer, it may be worn as a sexy yet ironic statement about the fabled Lost Cause, or as a literal affirmation of the wearer's Southern heritage. Obviously, the implicit message is necessarily subjective. Its first known manifestation was one worn by Bridget Fonda in "Shag: The Movie." While some Southerners were offended by it, Southern sociologist and chronicler John Shelton Reed pronounced it to be "fetching." The Confederate flag bikini is a crowd-pleaser among the NASCAR set.

Be part of the solution not the problem!
Pics can be solo or together with friends. Be part of the fun!!
Help us preserve the Confederate Bikini culture!
Please bring this message and site to the attention of your friends and any interested parties. The more the merrier.
All participants will receive a Confederate Bikini Society Diploma and an instant field commission to Colonel of the Confederate Bikini Society for their bold online statement that the Confederate Binki is NOT DEAD but HERE TO STAY!

Sincerely yours
Colonel Kentucky Sannders
President of the Confederate Bikini Society